Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why not?

It's December, and look, I'm posting! I think I'll try to keep it up for a bit, maybe just on weekdays. I'm writing quite a bit as it is and it will be nice to look back in a year or so.

So, moving. This year has been unbelievably frustrating in so many ways, and unbelievably rewarding in others. We really wanted to settle in the Pacific Northwest and it just is not happening; work opportunities are not coming together the way we hoped they would and we are living off our savings right now. But! From another point of view, we just had a year to do practically anything we wanted to. I wanted to play chamber music, work on my photography, and join a swim team, so I did. William wanted to perform classical guitar recitals, work on electronic music, and do a bunch of writing, so he did. How can we possibly call this year a waste?

I'm looking forward to Tulsa. I swore up and down that I'd never go back after I graduated from high's been 20 years, so that certainly counts as a nice long break. But, after my friend Leeanna died in July (it's still hard to type that, or even think about it for very long), I started thinking about family and friends, and suddenly I really wanted to be closer to the people I grew up with. My former piano teacher has offered to help with networking and referrals, so finding work should be much easier. My dad is the former president of the farmer's market and he's still very involved with what they're doing, and there's a wonderful organic-local-sustainable scene in the area. I have several good friends there who have known me for a long, long time - and they still like me for some reason. My intuition is telling me that this is a good thing and I am not going to fight it.

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