Sunday, November 28, 2010

Is November over yet?

I didn't officially sign up for National Blog Posting Month, but I wanted to try it anyway. Having tried it, I am a) glad it's almost over and b) wishing I had set aside an hour a day or so to write instead of hastily posting cat pictures as filler. I don't feel compelled to write about feelings much but boy, have I been having them, and I think it would have been good practice to attempt to articulate some of them. Terrifying? Yes.

I have two announcements to make - one for tomorrow and one for the day after. Then I can have some more feelings, and decide what to do about them.

1 comment:

  1. Feelings are good to let simmer sometimes. Making the commitment to write every day can be fantastic, but you know - life gets in the way anyhow.

    Almost there!
