Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photos from June 15-16: Washington and Montana

Rest stop at Sprague Lake, WA, in the Palouse area.

Just into Montana, we suddenly came to a halt...

Stopped on I-90, surrounded by trucks.

The line of stopped traffic.

Lots of people got out and walked around.

After we got going again

Montana hills.

Sunset in Montana.

It was hard to drive and not look at the clouds.

Taken just a few miles west of the Continental Divide.

June 16, in Bozeman

Magpie on the deck at the Bozeman Co-op.

(p.s. William took all the photos in this post)

1 comment:

  1. Wow love that sunset picture!!! You guy will have to come through Houston. You are more than welcomed to stay with us and experience a 6:30 am toddler wake up call.
